How to get help on Windows 10 or Windows 11? If you’re looking to troubleshoot and fix a problem or learn something new about Windows, and related technologies, including for Surface and other devices (even other OSes like Android and macOS), in this “Help & How-To” section, you’ll find the best answer to problems, basic and advanced tips, and much more.

In Help & How-To, you’ll find all kinds of guides to learn almost anything to get the most out of your gadget, no matter if you’re a beginner, savvy, or advanced user. When you need to learn how to upgrade to Windows 10, how to make a full backup of Windows 10, or how to fix a problem or error message, you can find the answer here.

Windows 10 free up space settings

Free up disk space on Windows 10

If your computer is running out of pace, here are the most effective ways to free up space on Windows 10.